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More desalination, NEWater

IN THE next 50 years, Singapore will dramatically ramp up its desalination and NEWater capacity in a bid to become self sufficient in its water supply. Over the next half century, the nation's water demand is projected to double from 380 million gallons per day (mgd) to 760 mgd.

Most of it will be met by the increased production of the reclaimed used water NEWater, and desalinated water. These two forms of water currently meet only 40 per cent of the country's water needs. By 2060, national water agency PUB aims to increase this proportion to 80 per cent, it announced on Monday evening at the Singapore International Water Week conference and trade show.

Singapore's two other sources of water are from catchment areas like reservoirs as well as imported water from Malaysia. The drive to produce more NEWater and desalinated water will enable Singapore to be self-sufficient in water by 2061, when its water agreement with Malaysia runs out. An earlier water agreement, signed in 1961 to allow Singapore to buy water from its neighbour at 3 sen per 1,000 gallons (about 1.3 Singapore cents), will run out next year (2011) and is not being renewed.

Besides desalination and reclaiming used water, the PUB will also increase Singapore's water catchment from the current two-thirds of land area to a whopping 90 per cent. It will tap even minor rivulets across the island and treat water there with variable salinity plants, which can treat fresh water and desalinate brackish water and saltier sea water.

I think that Singapore Government is forwardlooking and always planning for the future. We should not rely on other countries for resources as one day, the countries may chose not to provide and share their resources with us. If the water contract with Malaysia expires, Singapore will not have to worry about its water resources with NEWater. By expanding on the water catchment area, Singapore will be able to store more water in its reservoirs and produce more NEWater. By producing our own supply of water, Singapore will never have to be in fear of a shortage of water. However, even with NEWater, we should not be complacent and waste water. We should make fulll use of each drop of water, t0 allow more generations to enjoy NEWater.


Monday, June 28, 2010
→ 8:42 PM